We offer care for Nursery, Toddler & Pre-School children as well as Breakfast & After School Club .Our setting has 3 beautiful classrooms – each having their own Quiet/Rest rooms/areas as well as Sensory Rooms, and large fully equipped garden areas. Our Forest School are, explorers Den and Outdoor Sensory Garden provide extended learning opportunities.
We are dedicated to providing a loving, nurturing and stimulating environment where all children and their families are welcomed
Our curriculum is designed to support children to be curious, social, independent young people who are happy, confident and engaged in their learning through delivering child focused, varied and rich experiences based on individual needs and interests.
Ensure children are emotionally happy and secure to begin their next stages of learning.
Provide opportunities & experiences outside of their cultural knowledge.
Love and dedication radiate throughout all our staff members – no matter what role they play within our team. Qualified and unqualified staff ensure children;s needs are fully met through best practice procedures and delivery of the Early Years Foundation Stage and Safeguarding & Welfare Requirements.
Parent Partnerships are securely developed
Continual Professional Development opportunities are undertaken by all
Health &
The safety, health and wellbeing of the children is paramount. Each child is valued and respected – their individual needs supported and strengthened. children are nurtured in a safe environment throughout their time with Dolphins
by staff who genuinely care and go the extra mile. Whether it is our buddy system, named keyworker, SEND support or specialist dietary preferences. You child will be engaged, happy & safe in trusted hands and a bright homely environment
Our Nursery Room can care for 10 children from 9 months to 2 years of age. Our dedicated staff provide a warm and loving environment where our youngest children can feel safe, secure and cherished while building firm foundations for their next stages of development
Our Toddler Room can care for 27 children from 2 – 3 years of age. Our experienced staff provide a safe & nurturing environment for the toddlers as they grow more confident, inquisitive and independent. Environments, activities, equipment & resources are developed to extend imaginative play.
Our Pre-School Room can care for 31 children from 3 years of age in their last year before joining reception at a Primary School. Our knowledgeable & qualified staff help to ensure children are emotionally, personally & academically prepared for their transition to primary school
Breakfast club & After school club is available for children attending North Petherton Primary school. Children & Play Workers plan and arrange a wide selection of activities. Children also have the opportunity to just simply relax or get their home work done early.
Ofsted: Requires Improvement
URN: EY300144
Ofsted Report
We would like to sincerely apologise to all our Parent’s and their families
Ofsted carried out an inspection on the 12th November 2024 and we are extremely saddened to say that we did not get the grade we were expecting as they graded us as ‘Requiring Improvement’.
After 20 years of continually being graded ‘Good’ this has left us all devastated and we can only sincerely apologise and re-assure all our Parent’s that we immediately began work to address the issues raised – and will continue to do so until we re-gain our Good grading back (or even higher). We also wanted to re-assure Parents that Safeguarding is effective.
The inspection focused on the quality of teaching and learning experiences and because of this it had a knock on effect in all other areas such as planning, delivery, self-reflection and continual professional development.
The report comments on the fact that we did ‘not notify Ofsted of a reportable manner’ as required – this was due to a situation that MAY have had an effect on the setting. It did not have an effect but because it MAY have we should of reported it.
We have in place an improvement plan that focuses on staff through revisiting inductions, roles & responsibilities, training and support, role modelling, self-reflection, evaluations and all operational procedures.
We have amended daily routines, both inside & outside areas.

“We can’t thank you enough for the wonderful environment you have given ‘L’ over the last few years – and a huge thank-you for all the support you have given us as Parents. The memories and values instilled at Dolphins will stay with all of us. Thank-you for making his early learning years truly remarkable!
A little thank-you for all you have done for ‘S’ in the time she has spent with you. Once a shy little girl she’s now a happy confident little person. It is clear to see how hard you all work and how much of an impact you have made helping her to grow, learn and develop – ready for the next chapter. We are so thankful to you all!
Thank-you so much to everyone who has cared for ‘R’ over the past 3+ years. He has loved his time at Dolphins (as have we) and sad he is moving on but know he has been well prepared for school. Thank-you all for being a great nursery/pre-school.
A very big THANK-YOU to the most helpful, encouraging and supportive team of ‘aunties’. Thank-you for every hour & every minute you’ve been taking care of our little treasures -s o grateful for having you in our lives!