Welcome to our Nursery Room
Our Nursery Room cares for 10 children from 9 months to 2 years of age . Our dedicated staff provide a warm and loving environment where our youngest children can feel safe, secure and cherished.
Building trusting relationships with a Key Worker is one of our top priority’s – babies, children and Parents need to feel confident and happy that high quality care is continued in each other’s absence.
We aim to provide a ‘home from home’ experience where every child feels loved and supported. As well as our ‘duty of care’ our Early Years Educators ensure each child has their own individual Play, Learning and Development plan – all based around their likes and interests.
We want to ensure children are reaching their suggested milestones, and support them in areas that may need a little encouragement. Educators focus on the prime areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage – Personal, Social & Emotional, Physical and Communication & Language.
Somerset Total Communication is used widely within the whole setting and signing is a communication tool used by everyone – babies too!
Educators provide a wealth of activities, resources and equipment for all aged children, whether a young baby has not yet learnt to walk, up to the excitable fun loving racing machine of a 2 year old. Having it’s own lovely outside garden area is uniquely special, and children are out in the fresh air each and every day.
Understanding individuality and personality in children under 2 years of age is paramount – it’s a big scary world where very young children are just beginning to know what it’s all about. We are all aware that some children are more confident that others, and some children just need more time and support to accept new situations.
Within our Nursery Room we have a sectioned ‘Sleep Area’ with cots, buggy’s and sleep mats. This allows us to openly monitor children while they are sleeping/resting. We are not a setting where all children are put to rest at a set time. We want to keep children’s routines the same as at home and work alongside Parents wishes to ensure this continues.
Each child has their own drawer where we ask Parents to provide a small stock of their child’s nappies and spare clothes.
We cater for all food needs and requirements – 99% of our meals can be liquidised or mashed, dependent on the stage of weaning the child is at. We have a strong commitment in allowing children to explore and experiment with finger foods, textures and tastes – as well as independence in drinking from beakers.
Comforters – at this age we encourage children to bring in a ‘comforter’, if they have one. It really is amazing how much this can settle a child if they suddenly feel a little insecure, Our setting believes time is best spent with the children therefore we do not complete Home Diary Books or Daily reports – we do however, provide a brief note on the child’s day, giving Parents a little information of their day at Nursery. We do feel that speaking directly to Parents when they are collecting their child, is always a preferred option.
Children will stay in our Nursery Room until they are 2 years of age. The term after their second birthday will see them transfer into our Toddler Room (there may be times when children transfer earlier depending on their stage of development). We have a comprehensive transfer system in place to ensure children will be happy and confident in their new surroundings